Thursday, July 11, 2013

#TBT - June 2012

I've decided to do a weekly post on "Throwback Thursday." This week's TBT photos were taken last summer (2012) during Brady's epic first vacation to Outer Banks, NC. He was such a cute little 10 month old!! This seems like a lifetime ago, but in reality it was only 1 year ago. I had just found out less than a week before these were taken that I was pregnant with my sweet baby Brynne. I was only 5 weeks pregnant here and very nervous about it, can you tell? :) What a fun week that was! I can't believe how much our family has changed in the past year, and how much Brady has grown. Hopefully we will make it back to OBX next year so Brynne can have the same first-trip-to-the-beach experience that her brother had.

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