Monday, August 31, 2015

First Day of School

I'm back! For now at least. My apologies about the blogging break, it's been a BIZZY summer of work and work play, so my time is limited. I am checking in today, however, because it's the first day of school for my babies, and these photos were simply too cute not to share!

It was quite a morning in our house, but not too chaotic for some nervous smiles for Mommy. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking...

Bashful boy.
He gets that honestly.

Feeling shy in front of a camera?
Stick out your tongue.
Using humor to diffuse anxiety?
Not quite sure what this thing says or why he has to hold it.
Because, Mommy.
That's why.

Taking a silly break.
We all need one of those sometimes.

He is certifiably perfect.
I think we can all agree by now that no woman will ever be good enough for him.

The 2 year old's reaction to the surprise photo session.
We call this photo "Picture-Taking Time With Toddler."

"No, Daddy."
Also, a Brad photobomb.
That dog does not miss things.

Yes, the chalkboard went flying.

"Ok, Mommy."
This was accomplished via Mommy's an unnamed parent's pretend tears.
Note to self: Guilt = power.

"Is this what you want?"
She aims to please under the right circumstances.
She thinks she's smiling.
Somehow, that makes it way cuter.

Brady - Age 4                                                                               Brynne - Age 2.5

Aaaand just like that, daycare is back in our lives! Happy School Year!


1 comment :

  1. Love these pics! hint hint....framed copies would be a good birthday gift for someone....:)
