Monday, September 14, 2015

How To Be the Hit of the Party: Ina Garten's Black Olive Tapenade *Recipe*

Since it's been about two years since I've done a recipe, I thought it was about time to do another one (gee Brooke, ya think?). It's not that I haven't been cooking in the past two years, we cook something new almost every weekend. Sadly, the things we make are usually inhaled consumed right away instead of photographed and detailed on here for you. So many delicious dishes lost to laziness and hunger posterity, but don't worry, NOT this one!

Anyway, without further ado, here is a recipe that WILL make you the most popular party guest at the next get-together you attend. I am so certain of this that I am willing to throw down and PROMISE this to you. If your goal is to show up at a party with the most fabulous dish that is the hit of the party, then this is the recipe for you. I have made it many times, and every time, it is the standout. People will literally line up to find out what's in it and ask if you can send them the recipe! Ok, maybe not literally, but you get the point. Even those insane anti-olive people will love it! And BONUS, not only is it mouth-wateringly delicious, it is probably the easiest thing you could possibly make.

I hereby present: Ina Garten's Black Olive Tapenade!
Salty, savory, complex perfection!

Step 1. Assemble your ingredients.

Here's what you'll need:

I forgot the garlic in this photo.
Never forget the garlic.
Your date may thank you, but your taste buds will be wondering what they've done to offend you.
And also, antioxidants.
(Or something.)
Step 1(a) - Open the tin of anchovies.
Yes they are kind of yucky looking, but stay with me...
Because they are non-negotiable.

Step 2. Throw everything in the food processor.
Next, get out your food processing device (there are a variety of ways to do this, you could even try a blender if you don't have a food processor, just make sure you add some olive oil if you do that).
Looking for a good food processor? I love my Cuisinart Brushed Stainless Prep 9.
Amazon Affliate Link: HERE


Step 3. Turn on the food processor.
Process until everything is broken down.
Blend it smooth, or go wild and leave it chunky! You do you!
Viola! Finito!
See? I told you this was the easiest thing you'd ever make simple!

Step 4. Serve it!
My favorite thing to serve it with is pita chips.
It also works with baby carrots, celery, crackers, French baguette slices, and old shoes.
Seriously, an old shoe might taste ok with this dip.
For your added convenience, here's the official recipe. You'll find it is a bit modified from Ina's, as I doubled it and left out the extra olive oil.

The dip is tasty enough, I felt the extra calories and fat oil was unnecessary.
1 pound good black olives, such as kalamata, pitted and diced
6 tablespoons capers, drained
16 anchovy fillets
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
4 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 teaspoons minced fresh thyme leaves
2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian flat-leaf parsley leaves
Combine all ingredients in a food processor; pulse to desired texture.
I made this recipe this past Saturday for my dad's 60th birthday party. While I was spending 5 minutes with the food processor cooking, Penn State was winning, and we were all smiling...
Daddy always smiles when PSU wins.
This is one of those rare certainties in our house.
Mommy always smiles when this happens.
Another certainty!
After that it was off to the party, where the tapenade lasted about half an hour amidst about 40 people, half of which asked me for the recipe.

I told you I wasn't kidding.

This dip = instant popularity.


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