Wednesday, July 17, 2013

5 Months of Sweetness

About mid-week last week around July 10th, my baby Brynne turned 5 months old! She is doing a great job putting weight on her legs, making tons of sounds, grabbing everything in sight and transferring items from hand to hand. Last week she officially rolled from back to front for the first time (in front of me), now she is rolling all over the place. She is right on track developmentally, her Daddy and I are in awe of her every day. I had to wait til the weekend to get a chance to take her pictures, here they are. The positioning isn't perfect because I had a jealous 23 month-old jumping on me the whole time, but my baby doll looks adorable anyway!

How cute is this picture?! I can't get enough!

Ready to roll, literally!

Made it over!

"Now what?"
THIS is the photo that perfectly encapsulates my baby girl at 5 months...

Got that head up!

Getting tired...

Taking a break...

Back up to laugh at her doggies. She loves them!

"Oh, hey Mom!"

Happy 5 Months Old, Baby Brynne! Your Mommy loves you more than you will ever know.

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