Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Mini Me

Welp, it's official--my mini-me is a boy. I always dreamed of having a cute little daughter who looked just like me that I could wear identical clothes with and parade around (cheesy dream, I know--but cut me some slack, I never had any sisters!). But alas, it was not to be. My daughter looks like my husband, and while I did manage to make a mini version of myself, that mini version is a BOY (unfortunately for him!). But, I love him nonetheless! He is my mini-me in every sense of the word. Some even joke that I must've made him all by myself because he bears so little resemblance to his dad. I think as he gets older he will start to look more like a Wheeler, but I'm going to enjoy having a little twin for now while I can. I present to you--the side by side:

Brooke, age 2, circa 1985                                                        Brady, age 23 months, circa 2013

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