Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bouncing Her Troubles Away

Sunday was a big day for my little Brynnie-doll, she cut her first tooth! She had been uncharacteristically fussy all weekend so we knew something was up. Judging by the two big lumps on the bottom of her gums, the drooling, and the chewing on everything in sight, we strongly suspected teeth were their way. We were right! I was feeling her gums all day on Sunday, and Sunday evening I finally felt a little shard of the tooth that had cut its way through. How painful that must've been! She was a trooper though, the pain didn't disturb her nighttime sleep habits at all. We had been prepping ourselves for a bad night of teething for no reason--she took it in stride! She is totally opposite of her big brother in this way, he always let us know (and made us pay) when he had a tooth coming in. :)

Because of her fussiness, we brought the bouncer up from the basement on Sunday for her to play with to try and cheer her up. She loved it! She was grabbing at the toys and chewing on them nonstop, and she seemed to really enjoy being able to stand on her own feet for once. Her big brother got super jealous at first, but eventually he warmed up and even gave her an impromptu kiss. Luckily this happened right when I was snapping photos, so I got a picture of it (albeit from a bad angle). I love moments like those, they fill my heart so full that sometimes I'm not sure it's possible to love anything on earth more than I love these two small souls...

"Hmm, what is this thing??"

"Hey, Mom! I can stand!!"

"This is pretty neat!"

"What else is going on here?"

Chewing away on that lower lip.
"I'm gonna get that thing!"

A kiss from her brother. Be still, my heart!

That last picture can make me smile even when skies are very gray. I'm grateful to have been there with my camera when that happened, moments like those are the ones I live for nowadays.

We are off to Finger Lakes this afternoon, pray for us as we venture 4 hours north with two small children in the car! Hopefully we will all make it in one piece with our eardrums fully intact. Blog you soon!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Suddenly, A Big Kid

Ahh here we are back at Monday again. Normally I would be pretty bummed out that the weekend is already over, but we leave for vacation in the Finger Lakes on Tuesday evening, so this week should actually be pretty fun. We spent this past weekend trying to get ready to pack nearly everything we own in order to survive 5 days away from home (nothing increases your vacation haul like bringing a baby along, and nothing increases that like bringing TWO babies along!). One of the things we did to prepare was to take Brady for a haircut (so less hair will be travelling with us, lol). We took him to a children's hairdresser hoping to make the experience more fun for him. He had a great time playing with another little boy and all the toys in the shop...UNTIL it was his turn. When he realized what was going down, big tears ensued! Luckily the hairdresser was a pro and the whole thing took less than 5 minutes. While he went in looking like Mommy's Baby Boy, he emerged looking like Mommy's Big Kid! It's amazing how something so trivial like a haircut can change a child's appearance. Two days later I am still looking at him in awe of how "old" he looks! Part of me can't wait for those sweet blonde curls to grow in so I have my baby boy back...

So excited to be somewhere new, he couldn't wait to get out of the car!

Playing with the toys in the shop, he was having a great time...

until he had to get into the chair.

Starting to get worried, what is that thing?

"See? It won't hurt!"

Goodbye, sweet little curls.  :(

All done! Note the watery eyes.

My Big Kid
While Brady was getting his haircut, Miss B was chilling with Mommy in the baby front pack. She loves that thing all of a sudden! Thank goodness too, because it gives us the chance to go out in public and pretty much only have to worry about Brady. After the haircut, we ventured to the West Shore Farmer's Market to buy a chicken. Jason got a rotisserie for his new grill and wanted to try it out. We bought a fresh chicken from the Amish poultry butchers and made Rotisserie Huli Huli Chicken for dinner on Saturday evening, complete with sides of grilled potatoes and veggie skewers. "Huli Huli" is an Hawaiian dish with a sweet honey/lime/soy-based sauce (a favorite combo of mine). I was skeptical about the rotisserie being worth it (I figured it was one of those things you buy and rarely use), but it paid off! The chicken was to die for!

Making the sauce took awhile as it had tons of ingredients, but it was worth it!

Huli Huli sauce--so versatile it can be used just like bbq sauce. No rotisserie needed (although that made it super delish!).

We marinated Japanese eggplant, summer squash, tomatoes, red onions and peppers in the Huli Huli sauce too.

Prepping the chicken to go on the rotisserie...

While the chicken cooked, Daddy and Brady played frisbee in the yard.

Running to get it...

Bringing it back. Frisbee is the perfect game for a toddler (and a Yorkie)! Lots of energy expended.
 And sometimes running in circles is fun, too!

Meanwhile, dinner looked like this.

Finito! Rotisserie Huli Huli Chicken

A successful outing with the babies and a good meal, it was "a nice little family day" as we (and Will Farrell) like to say. Hope your Saturday was just as pleasant!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Quick Pics - Week of July 22, 2013

This week, like many as of late, seemed to go unusually slow. Everyone at work is on vacation, so I have been alone in my office space all week and will be so next week too. It wasn't too hot these past couple of days, but the kids' sleep schedules continue to be erratic and I have been dragging. Thankfully, after this weekend it's two days of work, then we are off to the Finger Lakes until Sunday! I am hoping it will be a nice vacation in spite of the fact that there is sure to be some drama with Brady (true to his toddler form he doesn't adapt to change well--particularly change with his sleeping situation). Say a prayer for us that everybody will get back and forth in one piece (and have fun in between). Here's this week's quick pics, all from Grandma F's since that's where the tots have been all week...

Miss B got "decorated" by her brother on Wednesday. She reportedly loved every second of it!
His favorite thing at Grandma F's -- the wagon!
Creek time, finding rocks to...

chuck back into the water! Another favorite activity.

Chillin' on the couch with Pop on Thursday. Can't tell if Miss B is laughing or crying, but everyone else looks happy!

 Here's hoping today goes quickly and the weekend arrives soon! Cheers!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

#TBT - June 2009

Today's Throwback Thursday is to our St. Louis trip in June of 2009. Jason and I had just gotten engaged that February and were preparing for our October 2010 wedding. The St. Louis Lewis crowd was set to be a huge part of it, as my cousin Matt's adorable daughter Gabrielle was a flower girl and my cousin Melissa was one of my bridesmaids. My dad, Jen, Garrett, Jamie, Jason and myself set out for St. Louis and saw it all! We took in the arch, the Budweiser factory, a Cardinals game (they DO love their Cards!) and enjoyed a fabulous weekend with family. We miss our St. Lewises all the time and desperately wish we all lived closer to each other. Hopefully we can make it out there again soon, Brady and Brynne have introductions to make, after all!

On our way...
(Brady and Brynne were just a couple of glints in their Daddy's eyes...)

Uncle Ron and Gwenny greeted us.
Arch time!


If I remember correctly, it was about 100 degrees at this game...
...we were all melting, even the camera lens apparently...

but still having fun!

Crazy Cards Fans! Love 'em!

Gabby and Gwenny, such adorable little girls!

Viewing the arch from the fountain with no water. ;)

Budweiser Factory, it was HOT in there too!

Four Lewis Women and Four Lewis Faces!

What a memorable trip! Love and miss you lots, St. Lewis!