Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Owl Always Love You

This past Sunday was the Big Day Before The Big Day for Aunt Court--her BRIDAL SHOWER! The theme was "Owl Always Love You", because Courtney loves owls. I would write more about it, but the (many) pictures below speak millions of words, so I'll let them do the talking. Enjoy!


Designed for the Bride by Yours Truly, with help from the Pennsylvania Bakery.
A lot of help.
They're good helpers! 

"Owl-lipops" and candy boxes below made by Maid of Honor, Dana.

Bridesmaid and cousin Chelsie.
Preparing tequila punch.
Who doesn't love that?!

The crazy, blonde-haired Ring Bearer.
Working hard to un-do everything being done.
He's good at what he does!

Bridesmaids Chelsea, Katie and Kelly.
Calm before the storm...

The Bride's brother was very helpful with the preparations as well.
Somebody had to sit on the couch supervise Brady while Brady rooted through gifts played with his Great Grandma Baer!


Brady was captivated by the littlest guest, who was only a few weeks old.
For a brief moment, I wondered how he'd like a new baby in his family.
And by "brief" moment, I mean so brief that it barely existed.

Grammy Wheeler

Cousin Casey and Aunt Mindy

The World's Cutest Flower Girl, and some bridesmaid.
Or am I a "bridesmatron"?
Who makes up these rules, anyway?
I'd like to submit an inquiry to the proper authority.


The moment she realized what was happening.
And she thought she was just coming over to prepare her invitations.
Silly girl.
A woman should never believe anyone in the months leading up to her wedding!

The VERY surprised bride.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and surmise that at this moment, she was most likely thinking...

"WHOA! That's a lot of people!" 


Mom Wendy.
Bridesmaid Katie.
Future Grandmother-in-law, Meem.



The line was long!

And difficult to photograph.
As you can see by the blurry closeup of Tim's head.


The Bride-to-be with the Flower Girl-to-be.

My daughter looked possibly more adorable than she ever has, and this is the only picture her mother managed to get of just her.
*Pats self on back for extraordinary negligence.

The Mother of the Bride and the Flower Girl.

And of course, games!
Because who doesn't love shower games?

Planned by bridesmaid Kelly.
Game 1: 20 Questions about Nate.
Courtney must chew a piece of gum for each wrong answer.

Eager participants.

Maid-of-Honor and Master of Ceremonies, best friend Dana.

The gum chewing starts...

Another wrong answer!
And keeps going...

And, well, let's just say she ended the game with about 8 pieces of gum in her mouth.
The Bride has some studying to do. ;-)

Game 2: Divvying up chores between future Husband and future Wife.
Note the Bride's grin.
Future hubs is going to be a busy guy!

Last but not least...
They're kinda the point, right?

"Gift Mountain" got much taller after this pic was taken.
It's all fun and games until you have to throw away half your stuff to make room for find space in your house to put everything!

Owls, galore!

The World's Most Enthusiastic Gift-Opener wasn't going to sit this one out.

Opening Grammy Wheeler's gift.
It was The Heirloom every girl wants.
Her Grandmother's engagement ring!
Something Old, check!

Remembering the person who bought that ring.
Her dearly departed Pappy Wheeler.
This was "that moment."
No shower is complete without it!

Unfortunately, due to the always present Toddler Care Constraint (I think I'm going to start saying "TCC" for short), I didn't get to photograph the event in its entirety. Of all things, I missed the eating of the cake (which is ironic, because I brought it)! I also didn't manage to capture the face of each guest there. Many apologies, Courtney! Luckily, everyone on earth has cameras in their pockets nowadays, so I'm sure somehow, some way, those pictures can be found!

Happy Bridal Shower to you, my sweet Sister-in-law! I hope the day was as amazing as you are!


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