Wednesday, July 23, 2014

OBX 2014, the rest of it!

The rest of our OBX trip went like this: beach, North Carolina Aquarium , rainy day, beach, home. Due to the extreme heat and humidity, I'm feeling a bit lousy today, so I'll keep the wordy part of this short and sweet and get right to the pics.

One gigantic photo dump coming up, brace yourself!

Day 2
The Tods were surprisingly unimpressed by the sand.
We actually had to convince them that this giant wet mess was "fun" to play with.

Day 3
Who LOVED the aquarium? This guy!
You will only see the back of Brady's head in the rest of these photos.
This was the only view of him available.

Little Miss was not happy about having to be in the stroller while Big Bro got to run around  walk with Mommy.
She must Do What Brady Does.
This is a hard and fast law she has passed in her kingdom.
I'm not sure how she got the votes.
She must have good lobbyists.
(Incidentally, the fish behind her did not care about any of this.)

Mesmerized by the "shish!".

She did finally make it out of the stroller...

Only to meet this hungry looking guy!
I have a feeling this is only the first of many sharks she will encounter in her life and stare down without one iota of fear.
Her teenage years will undoubtedly be lots of fun for everyone.

More shish.
My apologies for the crappy photo quality.
I was running after two toddlers while simultaneously trying to meter my camera lens to a dimly-lit room.
It happens.

Outside to meet a "toodle."
She loved this toodle. She wanted to sit with him all day.
She was willing to fight hard to remain seated with him.

Big Bro joined.
Brady's attention AND a giant toodle?

Brady didn't sit for long though, because he had other stuff to do...

Which mostly included running...

and hiding in this bush...

and then laughing hysterically when he was "found."
What parent doesn't love a random, public game of hide and seek with their small child?

Meanwhile, Daddy tried to get Brynne off joined Brynne on the toodle.
It was hot, very hot.
My sweet girl's face, with her mother's hair, reflects the heat here.

Back into the stroller to go see...

They were very lifelike.
They moved.
Their eyes moved too.

They also roared, loudly and unexpectedly.
And then Mommy screamed.
It was terrifying.
And then Brynnie screamed. 
But Little Mister did not scream.
Rather, he laughed that "the "Di-sors" scared Mommy!"
He told everyone he saw afterwards this.
So, I might as well fess it up to you now before he tells you, too.
I'm very glad Jurassic Park is not a real thing.
Dinosaurs are huge, yo.

After the aquarium, we decided to walk around Manteo.
Poor Brady also inherited his mother's aversion to heat and humidity. 
My sweaty children and I were quite a sight walking around with Mr. Cool and Comfortable.

When you are with Brady and you see a playground, passing by without stopping is not an option.

And as-per-youge, Little Miss must Do What Brady Does.
The only problem with that is that she is not the same size as Brady.
It is not she that sees this as a problem, however. It is gravity.
Back "hone-t" relaxing on the swing after a long day.
Looking for fireworks, so he can tell everyone Mommy is scared of those, too.
I am totally NOT afraid of fireworks.
If he tells you that, he's lying!

The only shop we visited this entire vacation was a kite store.
The next morning, this ensued.
You remember how much this guy loves kites!

Learning from Daddy.
We all learn from Daddy.

Miss couldn't keep up, so she went off on her own.
It took her 17 months to make her own way in the world.

More interested in the ocean than Big Bro.
A first!

He got it to fly!
Which was amazing, because in spite of the fact that this was the beach at 9am, there was no wind.
I know, what the...?!
Not the best weather, but we made it to the beach that day nonetheless.
And mommy and Pawpaw are to thank for the gloriousness that was getting flooded out by the tide.
Yes, we put the stuff too close to the water because we didn't account for the rising tide at setup.

Yep, it's a blackberry photo.
But it still counts.

I took several of these, this was the best shot.
Two year olds.

They'd much rather do this!
About Jason's shirt.
It was a gag gift from Santa, but he wears it frequently.
It made its debut appearance on Baby Brynne's First Day in this world.
I have no problems with this, as I find it both humorous and flattering at the same time.

And this.
If I told you once, I've told you a hundred times.
He runs

He did consent to a good picture with Mommy though.
Mommy is special knows how to coax a smile!

Someone else had a good time too.
But not until after she woke up from her nap and got some food.
She definitely has a mouthful of PB&J here.

Still in shock that they consented to this picture.
Thank you, future Brady and Brynne, for your graciousness at this moment!

Playing with Grandma and Pawpaw while Big Bro napped.

This is the best shot we could get together on the last day.
Not awesome, but I guess it'll do.
Someday I shall have a perfect family picture.
This was not that day.
I love these turds anyway!

Playing in the pool.
Note to parents of tods headed to the beach.
Bring a baby pool.
You will not be sorry.

Born free and happy about it!
The white on his forehead is not lousy photo-editing, it is sunscreen.
I swear.

There are many pictures of Brady mid-jump.
His love of flying through the air more only *slighty* terrifies his mother.
(And by slightly, I mean very.)

A smile with Daddy!
You are looking at a VERY rare photo.
Savor it, for there may not be another anytime soon!
Father and son love each other, but Father and son butt heads.
This ACTUALLY happened.
On the LAST day.
Isn't always on the last day?
(And why yes, that IS string cheese in Brady's hand.
You don't miss a thing, do you??)
Another win for the beach tent.
Also a good idea necessity for parents of tods headed to the beach.

Group shot.
Minus the Wheelers, two of whom were running in the surf, one of whom was sleeping in the tent behind, and the other taking this photo.
So there you have it, our trip in a photo essay. It was a great week! Many thanks to Grandma and Pawpaw for taking us. We can't wait to go back next year (hint, hint)!

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