Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mid-Week Jaunt

Oh, last week. What a crazy week that was! Having two toddlers in diapers means we are the most routine of all the routine people on earth you will ever find, but last week was a little different. That's what summer is for, right? Our Summer Nanny, also known as Gaga F., went on vacation for the week, which meant we were without childcare. Since we were going to have to take off work to stay home with the kids anyway, we decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, and we took off to meet up with Gaga and Pop at Ocean City, Maryland for two days. Thus, Tuesday and Wednesday found the Wheelers back at the beach! As expected, Brady and Brynne had a ton of fun spending time with their grandparents in the waves and surf. We even got to go on a big boat to see some horsies...

Brynne's First Boat Ride
First where she wasn't an infant.
It totally counts.

Mommy and a panicked-looking Brynne.

This guy could not possibly have more fun than being on a giant boat with his grandparents.

All the fun didn't prevent the hunger.
Toddler hunger strikes fast and hard.
The good ones among us are prepared for this.
GoGo Squeez applesauce is a lifesaver when travelling with tiny people.

Straining to see those...
Or, as my pacifier-faced daughter called them, "Shorshees!"
And maybe even a boat-turned-birds-nest.
I fail to understand why the Wealthy Elite Owner of this boat couldn't spring the extra benjamins for a boat cover.
I guess he just wanted to give a bird a nice home.

Applesauce-induced happiness.
My girl needs to eat regularly.
Not sure where she inherited that trait from.
Certainly wasn't her mother.
(Ok, it was definitely her mother.
I can't tell a lie, you guys always see right through me!)

Big Brynnie Smiles!

A kiss for his Sissy.
My heart.
Oh, my heart!
Docked on Assateague.

Catching "shish!" with Daddy...

While Little Miss stood around trying to find something to whine about.
In spite of the adventure, it was still naptime and she desperately needed wanted that nap!

Wading in the water with a little help from their friends.

This Big Boy is about to turn 3!
What the...?!

Daddy and Brynne
This is another incidence of a Brynne cry-face appearing to be a smile-face.
She is good at taking this kind of picture.
Don't worry Jase, it happens to the best of us!

Family photo on Assateague
Note the miserable children.
Despite their fun, they Must Never Take A Good Picture With Mommy And Daddy.
This is a law in their kingdom.
We are hence amassing quite the collection of horrible family photos.

She finally got a turn with the net!

Gaga and Her Tods.
Note the red-tinted blonde hair on each of these heads.
Safe to say that's a Heisley gene!

Their favorite place to be!
And one of the only people strong fearless enough to hold them both at the same time.
It's not just a feat of strength.
It's about balance too.
You never know who might dive overboard!

Group pic with the Summer Nannies.
Thank you, Gaga and Pop, for a cheap awesome summer!

Brady and Pop
Pop ALWAYS says yes.
The Tods know this.
Pop puts the "pop" in POPULAR because of it!

Lunchtime in the condo.
Brynne was first in line for food.
She should not have been standing on that chair, but we must pick our battles.
We opted to surrender for that one.

View from the condo balcony.
If you're thinking "Whoa, that beach looks crowded!", you're thinking right.

And balcony side view.
Nice little peak at the Bay.
When at the Maryland seashores, one can never forget the Bay.

Jason and I had not been to OCMD since the summer after we started dating, which, gasp, was NINE years ago (holy sh#%!). We were able to go out on a date and celebrate some recent professional victories at a truly amazing restaurant called Hooked. We found it on Tripadvisor (it is #9 of 342 restaurants in OCMD for a reason. Trust.). We had an awesome meal, so good that Jason felt the need to photo-document it (which almost never happens, so he REALLY must have enjoyed himself)...

Softshell Crabs.
Yes, I eat them.
Yes, I like love them.
My smile in this picture is REAL.

It was quite an exciting little mid-week adventure. We were exhausted in the aftermath, but what else is new?!

Gotta love summer!

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