Tuesday, July 22, 2014

OBX 2014 - Day 1

We spent last week in the Outer Banks vacationing with the Lewis-Hess clan. We had a great time, but Jase and I learned how truly exhausting it is to be the parents of two toddlers at the beach! The 10-hour drive down there alone was enough to put us in desperate need of some relaxation. Combined with all the STUFF you have to cart everywhere with you when you have two very little ones (and a lot of sand), in addition to the 24/7 watching-them-like-a-hawk-because-there's-a-pool-outside-and-they-fear-nothing, makes for two very tired parents (and likely two very tired grandparents!).

In any event, we had a blast and were very grateful for the opportunity to get away and spend some time out of the house with Brady and Brynne. The Tods had so much fun playing at the beach and the pool every day, and they even got a chance to go to an aquarium and see some fish!

Day 1 started at 3:30am, when we got up, showered, and ushered two confused, groggy children into carseats to begin the trek to Corolla, NC. The drive was, to say the least, nothing short of CHALLENGING for this momma! Someone was usually upset about something, and I spent the majority of 10+ hours wedged in the backseat of the SUV between the carseats (with a seatbelt buckle where no seatbelt buckle ever should've been positioned, yes I am talking to YOU Chevrolet) trying to put out the many tantrums arising from sitting in the car too long and not understanding why. By the end of the ride, Brady was shouting "I'm stuck! Car done! Go home!" over and over again. (We showed him that we were "stuck" in our seats too.) Eventually though, we finally ARRIVED, and The Tods were unleashed to the sand and sea, Brynnie for the first time. See for yourself...

The crocs are coming off.
It just got real.

Not sure what to do now.
I think she was fairly certain this white stuff would sink beneath her.

"Mommy! Mommy!"
The official motto of this vacation.

Trying it out down by the water.
With her Protector at her side.

Realizing this is kind of fun!
While Big Bro runs amuck around her.

Checking out the waves.
Dear future Brady--these are the only pictures you would allow.
I tried to take more but you would have none of it.


So proud of her find.

Looking for more "see-sells"....

Struttin' down the beach looking pretty.
Also looking sweaty.
It was very hot this day.
Like her mother, my Scandinavian-blooded daughter doesn't handle the heat well.
Much more happened on Day 1, but I was so tired, hot, sore (from the seatbelt buckle) and cranky (let's be honest), that no more pictures were taken.

Tomorrow--the North Carolina Aquarium!

Happy Tuesday!


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