Monday, April 21, 2014

Unexpected Sick Day

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I thought "Both kids finally seem to be feeling a little better, this might actually be a healthy week!" That optimism lasted all of about 90 minutes. I had barely swallowed my coffee and was meeting with my assistant to discuss the week's outlook when my cell phone rang at 9:45am. It was Brynnie's teacher calling to tell me that Brynne was vomiting repeatedly, someone needed to pick her up right away, and she was banned from the daycare for 24 hours. My poor baby! So much for a "healthy week"! Her Daddy hurried to her rescue, I came home to do what mommies do when their babies are sick, back to work Daddy went, and now here we are...

I know she's sick, but I can't help smiling. It's not every day I get to have a peaceful snuggle like this with her anymore. She's getting big and is eager to explore her world nowadays, so sleeping on Mommy's lap is becoming a thing of the past!

Unfortunately this means no Easter pics today. I have tons of good ones to show you, but sick babies do not  allow much time for photo editing!

Hopefully tomorrow, so check back soon!

Happy Monday!

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