Friday, April 4, 2014

Playing Catch-Up

Since yesterday was the first post in like 3 months, I decided to post some photos "catching up" with what should've been posted while I was wiping noses, rocking sick babies and attempting to disinfect my home repeatedly (while working a stressful full-time job). Here's a photo essay to get us caught up. It will be a big one, so brace yourself!

My Sweet Baby Brynnie Turned One!

...and Had a "Cake Smash" Photo Session with Heather Blair Photography


Uncle Garrett Turned 24!


Aunt Jamie Had a "Bridesmaid Day"...


...and Brynnie Learned to Color!

While of course many other things happened during these months, these were the only instances where I had a free hand to play with my camera. As my kids get a little more independent, picture-taking is easier. However, my baby Brynne is still in mommy-hold-me-all-the-time phase, so it's not easy at the moment. I missed taking pictures of Aunt Courtney's Bridesmaid Day because Little Miss came along and took up all my free hands!
That's all for this week. Hope to be back next week!

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