Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring Weekend Fun

This past weekend was a nice little family weekend. We did some stuff and nobody was too stressed, so that's a WIN for us! Saturday was pretty relaxing (as "relaxing" goes around our house), actually. There was a box, some stickers, some crayons, and some bunny ears. I'll let you see the rest for yourself...

My little artist LOVED this project!

Why yes, she IS wearing boy's PJ's. Thanks for noticing!

Standing inside the box didn't workout as she planned...

Mid-hop. "Hop hop hop!" is all we could hear from both of them for about 20 minutes straight.

She kept taking them off and putting them back on. She wasn't sure about it...

but ultimately decided it was pretty fun!

Loving it.

More hopping!

World's Cutest Bunny!

No problems keeping the ears on his head!
Later this week comes the BIG blog post on the Sunday visit to "Aunt Naynee's house" to "see sheep." Some of the best pictures ever. Stay tuned!

Happy Tuesday!

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