Oh, last week. What a crazy week that was! Having two toddlers in diapers means we are the most routine of all the routine people on earth you will ever find, but last week was a little different. That's what summer is for, right? Our Summer Nanny, also known as Gaga F., went on vacation for the week, which meant we were without childcare. Since we were going to have to take off work to stay home with the kids anyway, we decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, and we took off to meet up with Gaga and Pop at Ocean City, Maryland for two days. Thus, Tuesday and Wednesday found the Wheelers back at the beach! As expected, Brady and Brynne had a ton of fun spending time with their grandparents in the waves and surf. We even got to go on a big boat to see some horsies...
Brynne's First Boat Ride
First where she wasn't an infant.
It totally counts. |