Friday, June 21, 2013

Quick Pics - Week of June 16, 2013

Happy 1st Day of Summer (and also Happy Half Birthday to me)! I for one am super excited for the days to start getting shorter. I've had just enough of getting up at 5:45am with the sun because my toddler is confused, thankyaverymuch!

Anyway, while I am spending my summer sitting at work shivering in the a/c wondering how hot it is outside every day, my children are at their grandparents' houses living it up in the sunshine. Occasionally I am emailed a picture of one of them to keep me posted on their daily activities, and each time I am reminded that my babies are, quite simply, the utter and complete loves of my life. Before I had Brady, I wondered what unconditional, maternal love really felt like. Now, I know.

Here are a few of the photos I got in my inbox this week that made me want to get home from work ASAP to squeeze my sweeties!

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