Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Celebrating Dad

Like everybody else this past weekend, we celebrated Father's Day with our favorite men on Sunday. Husband started his day off right with two (shhh!) pastries from the fabulous Pennsylvania Bakery. Then, in the afternoon, we had my dad and Jen and Garrett and Jamie over for what was supposed to be a cookout but turned into a half-inside soiree because of the lousy weather. All of the food was grilled, which was a challenge because we recently put our gas grill out with the trash as it was about 10 years old and full of rust (not so yummy). We had gone to buy a new grill on Saturday, but as our luck would have it, the local hardware store we preferred to purchase from was all out of the model we wanted (boo!). So Sunday we went all out with the charcoal Weber, and it took awhile, but the food was still very good. We had Bobby Flay's French Style Grilled Potato Salad, a Bobby Flay grilled corn salad (we were using a Bobby Flay cookbook, can you tell?), and a variety of burgers, hot dogs, sausages and even some ancho-chile rubbed turkey legs. For dessert, my dad brought an old Lewis Family favorite recipe--Seafoam Salad. This was the recipe that my Grandma Lewis left bookmarked in her old copy of The Joy of Cooking. I couldn't get enough! My brother also brought a pineapple angle food cake, which the seafoam went PERFECTLY on top of (mmmm!). That didn't get photographed because it was eaten so quickly! As usually happens when I am the chef, I didn't get a chance to take pictures until after everyone had eaten, so forgive the (SOOC) photos.

 After dinner, there was some playing... 

 Some lounging... 

And then some portraits!

 Happy belated Father's Day to all the dads, stepdads, daddies-to-be, and dad substitutes out there!

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