Friday, June 28, 2013

Quick Pics - Week of 6/23/13

It's been a heckuva week so far and I am totally exhausted heading into the weekend (uh oh). We have a lot on tap--Jason's big THREE OH birthday party will be held at his parents' house on Saturday. Lots of lovelies are expected to attend, I'm sure there will be a photo dump posted here on Monday. Below are the pics I got in my email this week keeping me apprised of my babies daily activities. By all accounts, they had a good week, even if their (very tired) Mommy didn't!
Having fun playing with Grandma F. on a Friday afternoon.

The email containing this pic was titled "Sleepless in Marysville." Someone gave her grandma the business on Thursday!

"Creek" on Wednesday. He loves it!

Playin' in the pool at Grandma Wheeler's house on Tuesday. Looks like fun!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Visitors Weekend

Whew, now THAT was a busy weekend (and we didn't even get everywhere we needed to be)! In order to recap, I'm going to have to break it down Wheeler-by-Wheeler for you.

This was a big weekend for Jason--he finally got the 30th birthday gift he's been awaiting for quite some time now. Yep, you guessed it, the family grillmaster finally got a new propane grill! Thus, his weekend was mainly spent "putsing around the yard" (as my good friend Kendra would put it) AND putsing around his grill. He had some help with his activities, too.

Saturday's dinner, simple but scrumptious!

Don't you love his shirt? Santa put it in his stocking, what good taste he has!

Another delicious grilled meal on Sunday! Steak, hearts of romaine, and sweet potatoes.
The Little Mister of the house had quite a weekend, too. On Sunday he had some visitors--his little buddy Hayden and Hayden's brother Hudson! Brady doesn't get a lot of opportunities to play with other toddlers, so this was a big deal for him. He was very interested in both boys, and he had a lot of fun playing outside in the sprinkler, etc, with them!

Two buds taking a breather and having a drink

Unbridled joy!
Little Mister wasn't the only one who received a visitor, Little Miss got one too! On Saturday, Brynne got to meet Amelia, a 1 month old baby girl who will someday be in Brynne's class and lives nearby. Amelia is the daughter of my brother's girlfriend's sister, so while they will not technically be related when my brother gets married, they will likely see an awful lot of each other! Although it was their big day to meet each other, they were both too exhausted to wake up at the same time. Oh well, there will be plenty of chances to play, I'm sure.

Then, on Sunday Miss Brynne got to sit in a real high chair for the very first time. It might not seem like a big deal, but do you have a picture of the first time you sat in a real chair? Didn't think so! She loved it, she sat there for almost an hour, which is totally unheard of in any other apparatus she's ever been in.

Can you see the smile underneath the nuk?

On Sunday evening, we ventured out to meet Grandma and Pop for some boating on the river. This was both babies' first boat ride, and while the waves put Baby Brynne right to sleep, they enthralled her big brother! Brady loved every second of being on Pop's boat (although we found out the hard way not to leave anything lying around the boat, lest it get thrown overboard by an overzealous toddler!). Brynne even tolerated a very large life preserver without crying. It was a good time!


As for me, I had a visitor as well. On Friday night, my BFF-since-2nd-grade Kendra came to visit from CT. We had a great night eating Mexican food and drinking Corona Light (after the kiddos went to sleep) and rehashing old and present times. I miss her so much, it was so great to see her! Perhaps some day she will read this blog and actually go to Troeg's with ME next time she's in town. :)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Quick Pics - Week of June 16, 2013

Happy 1st Day of Summer (and also Happy Half Birthday to me)! I for one am super excited for the days to start getting shorter. I've had just enough of getting up at 5:45am with the sun because my toddler is confused, thankyaverymuch!

Anyway, while I am spending my summer sitting at work shivering in the a/c wondering how hot it is outside every day, my children are at their grandparents' houses living it up in the sunshine. Occasionally I am emailed a picture of one of them to keep me posted on their daily activities, and each time I am reminded that my babies are, quite simply, the utter and complete loves of my life. Before I had Brady, I wondered what unconditional, maternal love really felt like. Now, I know.

Here are a few of the photos I got in my inbox this week that made me want to get home from work ASAP to squeeze my sweeties!