It's been over a week since I blogged, sorry about that. I had every intention of dutifully uploading pictures while I was on vacation--I even took my laptop along with that goal in mind. However, as the week progressed and I began to relax, I took fewer glances at my phone and iPad and didn't even pick up the camera much. I just enjoyed my family, the lake, and the wine as much as I could before it was all over and the craziness resumed. I did manage to take a bunch of pictures, although they are not as organized as I would like and I surely missed out many things. Taking two babies on vacation is no mean fete--there isn't much time for picture-taking, that's for sure!
I was worried the drives up and back would be horrible, but they weren't too bad. The drive there was the hardest, we left in the afternoon hoping to hit the kids' naptimes, but it didn't work out that way. Brady was awake much of the trip and he woke his sister, so I spent 4.5 hours in the backseat trying to keep them both happy at the same time. The iPad helped with Brady, but Baby Brynne had just about enough after 3 hours so our ears were ringing when we arrived! We made it in one piece, however, and the fun began after that. We spent the next 5 days playing in the lake, taking boat rides (Brady LOVED those), wine and beer tasting (Mommy and Daddy loved THAT), and we even attended a garlic festival on the last day. All in all, it was a fun way to spend a week, and I hope we get the chance to do it again someday!
Photo dump in 3...2...1....
Daddy and Brynniedoll sittin' on the dock, day 1. |
Trying to rip off his hat. The grabbing phase has begun! |
"This is pretty fun!" |
Pop joined the fun... |
Her own seat on the dock. |
Time to go swimmin! |
The only evidence I was actually on this trip. Ha! That's what happens when you're the photog... |
Miss B watches with Grandma from the dock. |
So much fun! |
Daddy was having a good time too... |
After dinner boat ride to put the kiddos to sleep. Miss B got a new life-jacket... |
She actually loved wearing that thing! |
Having fun on the boat... |
Brady, a little pouty because he had to sit with Daddy while Brynne got to sit with Grandma. |
About 5 minutes after this was taken, she was fast asleep! |
Day 3, just Daddy and his girl on the dock... |
Judging by the smile, she must've been having a good time! |
Meanwhile, Big Bro played in the yard above. |
Day 4. Just the boys out for some early morning fishing on Pop's boat. Brady loved it! |
Meanwhile, Miss Brynne was trying to wake up from her morning nap. |
So much garlic! |
And SO many people! |
Miss B had a great time hanging out with Dad. We never heard a peep out of her, she was happy as clam in that carrier. |
I'm not a huge white wine fan, but when in the Finger Lakes, do as they do. The Riesling is a dryer white, and was very refreshing. |
Bubba had fun too. No strollers for him, he wanted to walk by himself! |
This "cheese board" was only $8 and was loaded with 3 cheeses, roasted garlic, nuts, grapes, bread, pepperoni, prosciutto and salami! It was delish!
Jason and I have been up to the Finger Lakes 3 times now, and we always have a great time! As I said above, neither of us are huge white wine fans, but their award-winning whites (Riesling and Gewurtzraminer are their specialties) are really crisp and refreshing on a summer day. The reds are coming along too, we tried some really good ones. I've been to wineries in some of the best wine-making regions in the world--France, Italy and Napa Valley, and the Finger Lakes are no less enjoyable than those experiences. The whites hold their own against some of the best I've ever tasted, and while the reds have a way to go, they are coming along quickly. I've noticed a marked improvement in them since the first time we visited in 2009. Plus, who wouldn't love a day filled with wine-tasting for under $20 a person? The fact that a lot of the wineries are adding craft breweries now too was an added bonus as well. We hope to go back up there again soon!
That was our vacation in a nutshell. Now it's back to the grind!
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