Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Frozen Party

As you know from earlier this week, my Little Lady Love turned 2 this past "Twos-day" (sorry, couldn't help it), and so we celebrated! Her party was originally supposed on to be on Sunday, but alas, Mommy came down with a (what could only be described as violent) stomach flu last weekend, and so some rescheduling was necessary. Since Twos-day was her real birthday anyway, no matter, no mind!

When sitting down to plan this party, there was only one option, and that was FROZEN. At the time, we were singing the songs, watching the movie, and playing with the toys CONSTANTLY (that obsession has since turned to Tangled, but Frozen colors matched my dining room better I digress). Hence, we went Frozen-crazy this week for our sweet Brynnie-doll (she would have it no other way!)...

Cake pops for "friends at school" courtesy of Jenny's Cakes and Baked Goods.
They tasted even better than they looked (or so I found out when I stole a piece from Brynne heard).


The beauty is in the details...
Details, details, details.

The Cake Table.
My handmade tulle misery masterpiece.

The tulle table skirt.
Not as easy as all the Pinterest posts would lead you to believe.
Surprising, I know.

Homemade banners....
Also not as "quick and easy" as those Mommy bloggers want you to think they are.

After much drama, I have parted ways with PA Bakery.
This delicious and reasonably-priced concoction came from Camp Hill Bakery.
Incidentally, Camp Hill Bakery will now be getting all our bakery-related business.

Like I said...
the details matter!

Bradley achieves yet another photo-bomb while trying to get as close as possible to any potential food that might've been sitting atop this table.
That dang dog bests me once again.
This is actually fairly successful as far as Wheeler Family Portraits go.

Who better than Papa Lewis to show the Birthday Girl her cake?

His doll.

And his buddy!
Looking so handsome in his Olaf costume!
I see you, Bradley.

Baby Elsa was feeling a bit emotional over having so many people in her house.
Her turmoil clearly caused me to take this terribly over-exposed shot.
Even Gaga couldn't make it better.

Nor could Daddy, who wanted this picture anyway.
He loves his Little Princess.

The tears only stopped when Mommy joined in.
I always know SHE appreciates me.

But the calm didn't last for long.
Apparently 30 people singing in the dark is terrifying to a 2 year old girl.
Who knew?

It's her party and she'll cry if she wants to!
And want to, she did.

How cute is that face though?
I can't even...

And Amelia came!
It's not a real party without a friend showing up.
Big brothers don't count!

Time to open presents!
But first, a bottle break.

Brady is the Master Present Opener.
And Present-Opener Helper.


Wardrobe change.
Tulle tutus are not exactly meant for long wear.

Amelia was having a blast, even though her friend Brynne seemed a bit melodramatic emotional.

A cuddle from Gaga W.
She has the Magic Touch!

And 3 generations of Wheeler women!
Where is the 4th?
(Yes Cor-tee. I'm talking to you!)

Big Bro even gave sweet little Amelia a smooch!
(I sincerely apologize for any head colds that might have been traded during this adorable moment.)

Amelia wanted to chat, but Brynne was still feeling a bit overstimulated.
It's ok Brynnie, it happens to the best of us!
We love you anyway.

As you can see, it was quite an emotional night for Baby Queen Elsa, but she survived to play with her new toys 'til the wee hours of the morning brink of 11pm (on a school night, for shame!).

On to the next!

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