Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday, My Sweet Little Lady Love!

It has been a long time since I've been here, for that I apologize. I have returned today to wish the littlest love of my life the HAPPIEST of Second Birthdays!!

There was one chance for Brynne Irene to come into this world, and God gave a precious gift to her and to me when he brought her to our family. I have longed for the chance to share a mother-daughter bond since ever I can remember, and now that I have it, I never forget how blessed I am to have this sweet child in my life.

You are everything I ever wanted, my Baby Brynne. You amaze and delight me every single day.

I love you more than I ever knew possible, and I always, ALWAYS will.

My Beautiful Birthday Princess at 10 days old, 1 year old, and 2 years old.
I never tire of that smile!


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