As you may have noticed (more likely not), there was another week-long absence on this blog last week. That is all well and thanks to what I like to think of lately as my little "Hurricane Brynne." Around mid-week last week while Tropical Storm Karen was dumping about 8 inches of rain on Central PA, a fever presented itself in my poor little sweetie, and it raged for nearly 5 days. An ear infection was diagnosed, and just when we thought we had the situation figured out, the fever broke and the beautiful rash of
roseola showed up. So, perhaps she did have an ear infection as well, but apparently her main cause for misery was roseola. Brady had it also as an infant, so it was nothing new for us (and this time I didn't panic when the rash began to spread), but it was no pleasant week and weekend anyway (except for that AHHHHMAZING Penn State victory over Michigan on Saturday, of course!).
Thus, poor little Hurricane Brynnie has been sick, miserable, and sleepless for many days now. And when my little diva is sick, miserable and sleepless, guess who is also miserable and sleepless? If you guessed Brynne's mommy and daddy, you guessed right! The "Sleepless Fall" continues, it appears!
Here are some pics from the weekend. I did manage to coax a few adorable smiles out of my sick baby...
Allowed outside but bundled up. She hates to miss out on fun! |
Watching Big Bro play in the yard. |
A leaf to chew on. The doctor said she is also teething. Sick AND teething? We hit the wrong kind of jackpot, I think! |
Some evidence of the rash on her little forehead... |
Brady and a leaf pile. He LOVED that! |
Smiling for Mommy at bath time. |
They're nothing alike, are they? |
These are the only kind of "selfies" I take. |
Yes, I'm smiling because she finally fell asleep. I admit it! |
Today it seems everyone is finally healthy at the same time (shocking, I know), so here's hoping this is a better week!
Sweet dreams to all of you out there who sleep at night. :)
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