Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Even though...

My Dear Sweet Baby Brynne,

Even though you have been up most of the night for nearly a month and a half straight now...

Even though the circles under my eyes are so big and dark that I look like I've been punched in the face...

Even though I have been sleepwalking my way through life for the past month (and especially the past week)...

Even though I can't eat or drink what I want, or workout when I want because I am breastfeeding a sleepless baby...

Even though I have no downtime at night after work anymore because I am so exhausted I have to go to bed as soon as you do (and then get up with you 45 minutes later)...

Even though I am constantly on the verge of getting sick because my sleep-deprived immune system is compromised, or going crazy because my sleep-deprived brain has had no rest to dream...

Even though my relationships with the rest of the world are on the back burner because I have to devote what little energy I have to your needs...

Even though the sleepless phase you're going through seems to be more difficult than any sleepless phase your Big Brother (a champion sleep-fighter in his own right) ever put us through...

I still love you--nee I still ADORE YOU--and I wouldn't trade one moment with you for anything in the entire world, even a full night of uninterrupted rest. I know that these struggles are temporary, and that you will only be this little for a short while, and I cherish every moment with you, even those middle-of-the-night moments, my beautiful baby girl.

You and your brother are my everything, and I will always be the one who got up with you repeatedly, the one who changed your diapers, the one who fed you, and the one who rocked you night after night. I will always be the one who loves you the most. I hope you always know that as long as you live...and after.


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