Friday, October 25, 2013

Streets of Treats

This post is a little late coming, but last weekend we went to Mechanicsburg's "Streets of Treats" festival with the kids. It was an event on Main Street where the children could trick-or-treat at the local businesses. Brady had never gone trick-or-treating before since he's only 2, so this was his first experience. It took him awhile to figure it out, and at first he wanted to hold all his candy instead of putting it in his bucket, but eventually he got the hang of it and started having fun. My little "Lightning McQueen" (he wouldn't wear the hat) was adorable, and everyone was complimenting him!

Ready to trick-or-treat!

"Wait, I get candy for no reason???"

"Come on, Daddy, hurry up!"

Scouting the scene.

"What is that big lion?"

"There he is!"

A little uncertain once we got close...

but he warmed up when the candy came out!

Miss B was along for the fun in the baby carrier with Mommy.
True to form, he ate nearly every single piece of candy as soon as we got home. He loved going through that bucket! I guess we will have to prepare to get him to pace himself on the real Halloween, I can hear the sugar-induced tantrums now!

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

#TBT - Brady (vs. Brynne) at 8 Months - April 2012

Today's Throwback Thursday task is to compare my two little sweeties at 8 months old. So, we are throwing back to April 2012 in the picture on the left, when Brady was 8 months old, as compared to the picture on the right, which was taken on Saturday of Brynnie at 8 months. I see similarities in them every day, but looking at these two side-by-side, there doesn't seem to be much in common! One is the spitting image ("the spit" as the Brits called Prince George yesterday) of his mommy, the other is "the spit" of her daddy. I know one thing for sure--neither of these babies was/is a huge fan of sleeping at 8 months old! I love 'em anyway. See for yourself...

Brady vs. Brynne at 8 Months Old
April 2012/October 2013

Another thing is certain--my photography skills have gotten infinitely better since Brady was a baby! His photo was taken with a humble (crappy) camera phone, and Brynnie's was taken with a DSLR and low aperture lens. I tried to pick photos where they have the same look on their face. Sorry Brady! Just because I didn't know how to use a camera back then doesn't mean I love you any less. :)

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Even though...

My Dear Sweet Baby Brynne,

Even though you have been up most of the night for nearly a month and a half straight now...

Even though the circles under my eyes are so big and dark that I look like I've been punched in the face...

Even though I have been sleepwalking my way through life for the past month (and especially the past week)...

Even though I can't eat or drink what I want, or workout when I want because I am breastfeeding a sleepless baby...

Even though I have no downtime at night after work anymore because I am so exhausted I have to go to bed as soon as you do (and then get up with you 45 minutes later)...

Even though I am constantly on the verge of getting sick because my sleep-deprived immune system is compromised, or going crazy because my sleep-deprived brain has had no rest to dream...

Even though my relationships with the rest of the world are on the back burner because I have to devote what little energy I have to your needs...

Even though the sleepless phase you're going through seems to be more difficult than any sleepless phase your Big Brother (a champion sleep-fighter in his own right) ever put us through...

I still love you--nee I still ADORE YOU--and I wouldn't trade one moment with you for anything in the entire world, even a full night of uninterrupted rest. I know that these struggles are temporary, and that you will only be this little for a short while, and I cherish every moment with you, even those middle-of-the-night moments, my beautiful baby girl.

You and your brother are my everything, and I will always be the one who got up with you repeatedly, the one who changed your diapers, the one who fed you, and the one who rocked you night after night. I will always be the one who loves you the most. I hope you always know that as long as you live...and after.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

#TBT - Our Honeymoon - October 2010

After our beautiful wedding on October 16, 2010, we departed for an even more beautiful honeymoon in Paris, Burgundy and London. We stayed 3 nights in Paris, 2 nights in Burgundy, and 3 nights in London. In Paris, we stayed at the Hotel Raphael in a junior suite. We went to the Louvre, the Lido Caberet, up the Tour Eiffel, through the Cathedrale Notre Dame, walked all over the city, took a cab out to the Palace of Versailles and ate cheese and drank wine. Then we rented a car and drove through the Bourgogne Region in the heart of France for 2 days where we visited the medieval palace of Fountainbleau, some little towns and medieval churches, and stayed in a very romantic and secluded chateau. Finally, we flew to London for the remainder where we stayed at the Hazlitt's Hotel.  While we there we visited the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Harrod's, took tours, walked everywhere and ate meat pies and drank ale. It was a glorious, amazing 8 days that I will never forget. We had so much fun! We can't wait to go back to London someday, it is a city that has it "all" for us. We didn't even scratch the surface of everything we wanted to do while we were there! Bunch of pics, coming right up...

First day in Paris. Our hotel was right around the corner from the Arc de Triomphe! It was awesome.

Meandered down the Champs Elysees to Le Louvre

Notre Dame. You almost wish you were Catholic in a place like that!

On a bridge over the Seine at dusk

Paris at night is one of the most breathtaking sights the world has to offer.

Versailles. Simply gorgeous.

In front of Marie Antionette's chateau (Petit Trianon) on Versaille.

We stopped at some towns and visited some old churches on our drive through Bourgogne. This was one of them.

Fountainbleau, the medieval royal hunting lodge in Bourgogne. Pretty sure I was a French royal in a former life! Driving through the French countryside was so much fun.

At our Chateau in Bourgogne.

To the Tower! London.

I could not wait to visit this place again. I'm a huge medieval history nerd, can you tell?

Tower Bridge

Aaannd Jason with his ale at "our pub", the Dog and Duck in Soho. This is what "Happy Jason" looks like!
It was the vacation of our dreams. If I could rewind 3 years to these moments right now, I definitely would. Hope to make it back someday!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Make You Smile

It started like this...
Turned into bliss...

Followed by Paris...

Then baby #1, our beautiful son...

and next so soon, baby #2...

And last but not least, two crazy puppies.

The last time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't see you with the sun shining in my eyes
I said "Hello" but you kept on walking
I'm going deaf from the sound of the freeway

The last time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't hear with your voice ringing in my ears
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night?
I couldn't feel you, you're always so far away

The first time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't see you with the smoke getting in my eyes
I said "Hello" but you kept on walking
I'm going deaf from the sound of the DJ

The first time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't hear with the noise ringing in my ears
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night?
I couldn't feel you, you're always so far away

I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you were to stay with me a while

The next time I see you, you'll turn away
I'll say "Hello" but you'll keep on walking
The next time you see me, I'll turn away
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night?
I couldn't feel you, you're always so far away

I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you were to stay with me a while

I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone

If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you were to stay with me a while...
Thank you for staying with me awhile, 3 years of marriage and 8 years as a couple. I love you more than I will ever be able to say, since I was 13. You are my dream come true.
Happy Anniversary, my sweet husband!