Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Quiet Week

Sorry it's been a quiet week, the kids have been sick and life has been difficult and not the most pleasant as of late. Sick toddlers are quite honestly some of the world's most miserable creatures! They don't understand why they don't feel well and they can't really communicate it. My poor baby Brady has had an ear infection for what feels like forever, so we haven't been up to much. The kids did get out of the house a little bit last week for some fresh air, and since I haven't loaded any other new pictures in awhile, I'll share these...

Brother teaching Baby Sister how to drive...

"See? You just turn the wheel!"

The World's Cutest Baby checking out Brother's new climber in the backyard. She was not about to miss out on playing on that thing, she reached and cried until we put her on it too!
Other than that, we haven't been up to very much. Just trying to get everyone healthy so we can return to the normal level of chaos our lives usually entail! Talk to you soon.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

#TBT - Remembering My Friend

Today is a sad day for me. It has officially been 2 years since we brought Brady home from the hospital, which also means it's officially been 2 years since I said goodbye forever to the best friend I ever had--my Yorkie Kasey. Yes, he died the day I brought home my son, it was devastating and I still mourn him almost daily.

We got Kasey in 1996 as a puppy when I was just 12 years old. I wanted a dog so badly, and one day my mom finally gave the "ok." Excitedly, I ripped into the newspaper classifieds to find Yorkie puppies for sale. I knew I wanted a Yorkie because our neighbor at the time had one, and I loved him! My parents liked that he didn't shed, so it seemed like a good fit. We found one listing, a breeder in York, PA. I called right away, I wanted to see if they had any girl puppies because I wanted a girl. "We have one girl left and two boys," she said, "but you better come soon because another family is coming now and they want a girl too."

When we got there, the girl was gone, and one of the two males left had been spoken for. "This is the only one left. These are "burgundy" Yorkies, which means they will always be redder in color. It's a genetic defect," the breeder said. At this point I had spent just about my entire life desperately wanting a dog (we had a bad experience with cats), so I didn't care. "I want him!" I exclaimed.

Home he came with us. We named him "Kasey", after the poem "Casey At the Bat" (don't ask me why, Casey was not a nice guy in that poem!). I stayed up nights with him those first days home because he was missing his parents. I took him on walks and carried him halfway home when he got tired. I nursed him through injuries, seizures and in one awful mistake on my part--a flea-medicine overdose. I spent the next 15 years of my life loving him, and receiving his unconditional love in return. We grew up together, he was there with me and there for me through it all.

Everyone says this about their dearly departed dogs, but Kasey was truly one of a kind. He was the smartest dog I've ever known. Everyone that knew him knew that. He had a way of looking at you when you spoke that made you know he understood what you were saying. He loved treats, people food, taking walks, comfy pillows and squeaky toys. He protected his house and his people ferociously, even though he was only 9 pounds. He moved everywhere I ever went with me, he was my constant companion. He followed me to the bathroom in the middle of the night so as not to lose sight of me.

When I was on bed rest before Brady was born, I watched him deteriorate. At age 15, I knew it was only a matter of time. His health was failing, but to this day I know that he waited to see me get home from the hospital, to know that I was safe and that "our" baby was safe to say goodbye. He heard Brady cry one time before he left us forever, and even though he was nearly 100% deaf, I saw his ears rise up to hear the sound.

I love you, and I miss you, Kasey. I will until the end of my days. You were the best friend I ever had, and nobody will ever take your place. I think about you every day, and I hope that you are up there running free, without pain, and eating all the steak you want.

Until we meet again, my dearest friend...

"Santa VB". I called him "VB" for short. He loved Christmas like a child! He opened presents on his own every year.

With his buddy Bradley at the Enola house

Sticking his nose out the window riding in the car to "Grandmas". His fave thing. Even at age 14 he could still do it.

His last trip to hunting camp. He loved it there. No boundaries or rules, he could run free!

On a hike. Despite his size, he was an awesome hiking dog!! He would run way up ahead of us, and then consistently run back to check on me every couple of minutes.
With me in my childhood bedroom in 2008 before we both moved out for the last time. He never left my side, at night he slept between my legs no matter how big the bed was.

 With me on Christmas Eve, 2009
With his 2nd favorite person, his "manfriend" who gave him heaps of table scraps every day, took him for walks and let him roam the neighborhood at will without a chaperon. :) 
The last picture I ever took of him. I knew the end was near, his age became obvious.

Kasey Lewis
Jan. 13, 1996 to Aug. 22, 2011
Rest in Peace, Loyal Friend.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Two Years of Brady

Ok, last post about my little love's 2nd birthday today--here are 2 years of Brady, in 6 quick pics...
Newborn, 6 Months, 10 Months, 14 Months, 20 Months, 24 Months
The most thrilling 2 years of our lives!

Brady's Very Special Day

Today is an important day for the Wheeler family, it is the second anniversary of the day we realized what it's like to experience the purest, deepest, most profound love of all--the love a parent has for their child. That also means, of course, that it's Brady's 2nd birthday today! Exactly 2 years ago on this day, at this time (it is currently 10:40am as I write), I had just begun pushing. Nearly 2 hours later (yes, it was rough) at 12:06 p.m., our baby boy was born! I really can't believe it's already been 2 years, I am still in a bit of shock. Incidentally, it's also been exactly 2 years since Jason or myself have slept through an entire night. ;-)

We had Brady's birthday party on Sunday, it was "Cars" themed. Brady loves cars and trucks of all kinds, and he especially loves the characters from the "Cars" movie by Disney/Pixar. He's never watched the movie in its entirety, but he loves to see bits and pieces (he's a true toddler with a short attention span). Except for the blasted rain moving us indoors, the party worked out very well. He napped through all the preparations, and when he finally awoke all his grandparents, great grandparents, and aunts and uncles were downstairs ready to celebrate. It was his first time ever really enjoying the opening of presents, and boy did he have fun! So many cars and trucks and fun things to choose from--he is still running around like a wild man from toy to toy two days later (our living room still looks like Christmas morning). We loved watching him have so much fun, it was one of those days that makes you know everything is worth it.

A photo dump of Brady's Very Special Day, coming right up!


Scene of the crime

The 3 Great-Grandmas and Uncle Dan having a chat

Some of Brady's favorite foods--soft pretzels, broccolli (for real!), and fruit

Just emerging from his nap to a giant HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

"Whoa, there's a lot of people down here!"
Miss Brynne woke up for the fun, too!

Whoa, that's a big box!

A "manly" kitchen set from Grandma and Pappy Wheeler!

So many cars and trucks, he loved them all...

He also loved his new Thomas table from Gigi and Papa so much he kissed it. Ha!

Lightning McQueen in a cake! Two of his favorite things in one!

Not quite sure what to do here...

Trying to "blow" it out.

Chowing down, it was YUM!

He loves cake. His mother's son!

Awww ;-)

Baby Brynne with Uncle G

A kiss from Aunt Courtney!

He loved that banner! Had to point out each Car...

Miss B was partying, too!

Sitting together watching "Cars" Toons, some short films. He loved that!

Giggles with Grandma Wheeler

He refused to look up for these pics, but they had to be taken! With Aunt Jamie and Uncle G...

Gigi and Papa...

Grandpa and Grandma Lewis...

and Grammy Wheeler and Pappy Wheeler.

Grammy Wheeler and Brynne. That was funny!

Pretend play with his new "outdoor kitchen." Grilling just like Daddy!

A little girl and her Pappy

We were hoping for a group photo here but it's hard with 2 babies! I like this better anyway. A perfect pic!

Me and my babies.

My heart and my soul.
(Apologies if you were at the party and find your picture excluded, I was not the photographer for much of this day and didn't get everyone I planned to. By the time I realized that not everyone got a picture with Brady, many people had left.)
Happy Birthday once more to my dear, sweet little boy!