Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Mouska-Party!

Since you read this blog religiously (hahaha), you know that Brady's 3rd birthday was the 20th. We had his Very Mickey Mouse Birthday Party this past Sunday, and all of his favorite people were in attendance! He had a Mouska-cake and was wearing a Mouska-shirt to match. Little Sis even dressed up like Minnie! His favorite snacks were on the menu (meatballs, soft pretzels and fruit), and he got a mountain of lavish gifts from his super-generous grandparents and others.

Too hungry to wait for people arrive to dig into the food.
It's his party and he can eat before everyone gets there if he wants to!
Meanwhile, Minnie Mouse stole the Birthday Boy's new squirt bottle and lunch box.
Baby's first crime: petty theft.
Good thing she has a good lawyer.

The spread, Brady's faves.
Except for the broccoli.

"Ny Bipday Potty!"

A Mouska-Cake, aka Brady's Dream Come True.
The boy loves cake.
A taste likely acquired in-utero.

I call this one "Pensive Brady"
A photo caught mid-whine.
He wanted that cake.

"Cake! Please!"

Ha Ha!
Incidentally, this one is "Classic Brady."

So excited!

And one of them brought a new bike!
Thanks Pawpaw and Grandma Lewis!

Brady's new favorite seat in the house.

Baby Minnie REALLY wants to get on that bike.
Those little legs just aren't long enough yet!

So excited to see Mickey!

And the Captain salutes!

"Gaga! Gaga! Gaga"
When One is upset, One chants for One's Gaga over and over and OVER again.
Or so says the law in Brynne's Kingdom.

Time for "pennants"!

His very own iPad mini!
Thank YOU Gaga and Pop!

A DVD player for the car and some DVDs.
The next long car ride will be peaceful thanks to Gaga and Pappy!


Thanks "Aunt Cortee!"

Time to get that cake out.


And after the cake, back to the bike.

It's impossible to hold her off for too long.
She's gotta ride!

"Ny pad! Ny pad!"
When not on his new bike, you'll find him on his pad!


As the Mouse would say "That was REALLY fun!"

I can't believe my baby boy is already THREE years old!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Brady Daniel!

Happy THIRD Birthday today to my sweet, golden, PERFECT baby boy. Every day with you brings so much joy and so much gratitude to my heart. You are the child for whom we prayed in some of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world, to put into words how much I adore you and how much I marvel at your every move isn't possible.

There is nothing I'd rather do today than celebrate you, my firstborn, my son, my mini-me.

The purest love of my life.



Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mid-Week Jaunt

Oh, last week. What a crazy week that was! Having two toddlers in diapers means we are the most routine of all the routine people on earth you will ever find, but last week was a little different. That's what summer is for, right? Our Summer Nanny, also known as Gaga F., went on vacation for the week, which meant we were without childcare. Since we were going to have to take off work to stay home with the kids anyway, we decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, and we took off to meet up with Gaga and Pop at Ocean City, Maryland for two days. Thus, Tuesday and Wednesday found the Wheelers back at the beach! As expected, Brady and Brynne had a ton of fun spending time with their grandparents in the waves and surf. We even got to go on a big boat to see some horsies...

Brynne's First Boat Ride
First where she wasn't an infant.
It totally counts.