Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Daddy's Day

It's Tuesday and I'm back to the blog already! Score! However, the high dresser I mentioned on Friday that was supposed to be making it's grand entrance into our newly made-over master bedroom that evening did not actually make it, as predicted. Brynne had what turned out to be roseola (for the second time, yet again we win the viral lottery, which is nice but we feel like it's ok to let other people win sometimes too, ok God?), so her miserable mood combined with my inability to decide whether the dresser was done or not prevented any progress in that arena. As usual, my perfectionism won the day, and the dresser drawers and inside received a coat of paint last night. I am currently debating whether to re-poly the outside of the dresser or not. Since I'm reading that it is probably a good, it is probably going to happen, which means no dresser for Jason or for this blog for several more days (at least).
Womp Womp.

But anyway, Sunday was Father's Day (duh as we all remember by now). The Wheelers celebrated our dads with as much fanfare as we could handle amongst our grumpy toddlers limitations. We visited Pappy on Sunday morning, spent Sunday afternoon with Daddy, and Sunday evening with Pawpaw. I was busy running out for paint supplies and gifts in between, so there aren't many pictures. However, in the afternoon lull I did manage to catch some snaps of one of the most involved dads I know making sure his babies were ready for some fun in the sun. See for yourself...

This appears to just be a regular dad putting sunscreen on his child.
Props to Bradley for another photobomb.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Master Bedroom Makeover: The Low Dresser

Well it's Friday, but I managed to make it to the ol' blog this week after all. This week was insane! (I would go into more detail than that, but some of those details involve a toddler with a stomach bug, so be happy I choose not to.) Since I finished Jason's Nightstand in Part 1 of our Master Bedroom Makeover, I have since finished my nightstand AND the beautiful, gorgeous, oh-so-incredibly-pretty-I-just-want-to-do-a-happy-dance-every-time-I-look-at-it low dresser. Are you ready to see what all my fuss the fuss is about?!? Here comes the before...

This is the original picture I found on Craigslist that inspired this whole project. Can you see why?! All Hail Madame La Dauphine!!
And here is what came next...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Baby's 1st BFF

Since Brady and Brynne started at their current daycare in November, we have heard periodically about Brynne and a little girl named Addie. As the months passed and Brynne started walking and talking, we heard even more. We would see Addie staring longingly out the little half-door every day as we picked Brynne up, and we'd even watch Brynne wave and say "byebye" to her. Recently, Brynne's teachers started telling us that Brynne and Addie were loathe to be separated during the day, and that Brynne would cry if Addie left her room for some reason. Brynne even started talking about Addie after daycare sometimes! We began to realize that Addie was becoming one of Brynne's favorite people, her First Friend!

Today is the Tods' last day of "school" for the summer, and we know Brynne is going to miss Addie. Brynne's (awesome) teacher sent us these pics to make sure Brynne always remembers who her first buddy was...

15 month old partners in crime!

Monday, June 2, 2014

2014 Summer Project: Master Bedroom Makeover

I'm baaaaack. Sorry for the looooong departure from blogging, true to my form I went through a spurt of holiday photo-editing, exhausted myself, got sick of it, and took a break. I'm back (at least temporarily) for now though. Life at the Wheeler residence has been a bit topsy-turvy as of late. Some major changes are taking place! We planned since we purchased our home 4 years ago to paint our master bedroom. As the years passed, each room in the house slowly got painted, but the master bedroom remained a blank canvas. I was daunted by the size, vaulted ceiling and lack of natural light in the room, and hubs was daunted by the chair-rail wood trim. So, after (years of) much debate, we finally decided it was time to pick a color scheme once and for all and go for it. We have conceded our entire house to the needs of babes, it was way past time for us to make the master bedroom a priority. I browsed Houzz.com for bedroom color scheme ideas for hours, when finally, I saw it...

Photo from Martha O'Hara Interiors © O'Hara Interiors 2014