Tuesday, October 23, 2012

FALLin' in Love

I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but I haven't had much time to get out and photograph lately. I've been working on my homework for my photography class in between being 20-some weeks pregnant and taking care of all of life's other day-to-day concerns, so it's been a busy fall! Needless to say, this past Sunday we got all gussied up in our Sunday best and went to Willow Park in Camp Hill for a photo session with a professional photographer. She took some very nice shots. Here are a few of my faves:

Brady happened to be in a TERRIBLE mood for the first half of the pictures, he had just woken up from a much-too-short nap (note the puffy eyes). But I was pleased with the pictures anyway. Plus, you can't do much better than the deal I scored for them on LivingSocial, so I'm not complaining. After the session was done, I had a chance to do some practicing of my own with my special little guy all dressed up. His blue shirt combined with the orange leaves made for some GORGEOUS pictures!

The last picture is my absolute favorite. It symbolizes everything I am loving about life right now--the growth of my amazing little boy, and the beauty that encompasses the fall. Fall is, and will always be, my very favorite time of the year!

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