Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November Moments

It's been a whole month since I have updated this blog. I'd say I was sorry, but the truth is that this month has been so "challenging" that really the last thing on my mind was blogging. For starters, I lost a dear relative--a great aunt from Alabama who was truly a cherished family member. Then, you guessed it--the kids have been sick. Because I am overworked, overstressed and underrested, I've been battling this newest "daycare plague" right alongside them for the past two weeks, so that's been fun. And of course, we have our crazy everyday lives in between to contend with, which is no mean fete! However, in spite of all the "challenges" thrown at us this month, there have been some good times. Brady loves to play in the leaves, and my sweet baby girl is getting so big! See below for some precious "November moments"...

Three generations of Mommy love.

Daddy and his little cupcake.

The Bubba playing outside at Gigi's house.

He loved that!

Room to run! With cousin Lexie.

Stopped to catch his breath...

before getting into the leaves! He can never get enough of them!

Sitting with her Great Papa

That was fun!

An all-time favorite photo of mine. She has his eyes.

A kiss from Grandma

All dressed up for the mini "Grove Reunion" at Grandma F's house.

So adorable!

This is what happens when we try to take a family picture...

Not exactly "picture perfect", but it wouldn't be honest if it were!

Miss Brynne loved the bubbles...

She thinks she's eating an ice cream cone. She might be her mother's child!

Playing with Uncle G and Aunt Jamie
There aren't nearly as many pictures as I'd hoped, and I never got the chance to photograph the many family members we saw, but as per usual I was busy wrangling two babies so the camera had a tendency to sit the game out. This week is Thanksgiving with Papa Lewis and Grandma Jen, I promise to devote some effort to capturing the festivities.

Stay tuned, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Tricks and Treats

Last night was Halloween, and for the first time I can remember we actually had trick-or-treat on the 31st. It rained most of the day so we were nervous, but the weather ended up clearing up pretty well for Brady's first real trick-or-treating experience in our neighborhood. Once he got the hang of putting the candy in his bucket, he had a great time! Grandma and Pop Fischer were able to stop by to help since they don't get too many trick-or-treaters out where they live, and we made it to Aunt Courtney's house a couple blocks over before it got too late and the meltdowns began. We intended to go see Uncle Garrett and Aunt Jamie too, but Miss Brynne had decided she'd had enough being awake by that time and it was time to take her home to bed. It was a fun experience for Brady, and for Brady's parents! Next year will be a much bigger deal, I'm sure.

Lightning McQueen and my little Cabbage Patch Doll were the cutest trick-or-treaters ever! See for yourself...

I can't get enough of this picture! The outfit is the same one my first CPK doll wore when I was little.

Daddy forgot to mention Miss Brynne's hair was falling off when he took this picture.

On the way to the first house!

Lightning McQueen was VERY happy about the candy.

"Gaga" made it just in time for the second house.

Having fun!

There were several shots taken here, and this was the best one. What does that tell you? Lol.

Having a lollipop with Pop.

"Trick-or-treat, Aunt Courtney!"

Brynnie loves her Aunt Courtney but was super tired and ready to go to bed by this point.

The last pic. This is why we didn't make it to Uncle G's.

It was a fun "first" for us. I know there are only so many "firsts" left, so I try to capture each one. This time, unfortunately, I had the wrong lens on the camera and the shots weren't great. I won't make that mistake again!!

Happy Belated Halloween, can't wait until Thanksgiving!