I'm calling this post "outside!" because that seems to be all I ever hear anymore from the mouths of babes. As soon as they wake up and as soon as they get home, it's "outside!" from both of them! I am fairly certain that Brady would live out in the backyard if we let him. He has lost interest in all other things (except, perhaps, cupcakes), and only wants to be outside all the time. He loves it so much that tantrums ensue when it's time to come in at night. He doesn't even care about eating, and if he MUST eat, he wants to take a cup of snacks and his sippy cup OUTSIDE! with him. Because Baby Sis must do everything her brother does, there is no longer just one tiny tot running amuck in our backyard, but two....
On the move. He loves his hat. |
Still uncertain of walking around in the green stuff! |
"Ball, ball!" |
Learning how to swing a bat from Gaga. She's a good teacher for this in more ways than one! |
Loving it... |
and not loving it (the grass, that is)! |
I see tee-ball games in our future! |
Brynnie was still not loving the grass. |
"See-ide!" |
The cutest photo-bomber ever. |
"Hi-mee!" (aka Hi Mommy!) |
"UP!" |
"Sisser's" first slide! |
That was fun! |
Not sure what to do at the bottom though... |
Again! |
She had a good day.
With the change in the weather from cold to hot to cold again comes another round of bacterial infections. Of course, this is nothing different than a normal week for us, so maybe I shouldn't blame it on the weather? After looking at these pictures, you'd never know that one was incubating a double ear infection to present itself the next day (and was cutting like 6 teeth at the same time), and the other had just been at urgent care that morning with a sinus infection. I'll let you guess which was which, a fun little game for you. Who knew there'd be games on this blog?
Happy Antiobiotics!
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