Ok, I know it's been awhile since there's been a post here. The fact is, this long, hard, cold winter full of sickness and snow and ice and all that stuff simply zapped my energy for blogging. There has been enough stuffy noses, infected ears, fevers, sour stomachs, coughs, cries, and new teeth happening the past few months in our house to last us for the next few years! We're on a once-a-week rotation with the pediatrician that we hope to break soon (although not this week as we've already been there with Brady). With all the winter weather that just won't seem to quit, there wasn't a whole lot of fun stuff to take pictures of, frankly. Nobody wants to see the snotty tissues on the floor or the sick child on the sofa with his blanket, after all!
However, over the weekend it *finally* managed to warm up to civilized temperatures (if briefly), and we unleashed the kids out of the house as I imagine the bulls are unleashed at Pamplona. It was nice to finally breathe some fresh air, and Brynnie got her first taste of walking around outside ever (she learned to walk when it was about 3 degrees outside, for reals). As predicted, she LOVED every second of it! Brady was, as always, extaordinarily hard to get back inside when it was time to go. He is definitely an "outside kid"!
How is she 14 Months old!?! |
Those curls... |
Possibly one of my favorite pictures ever taken of anything ever. |
So very happy to free to roam outdoors WITH chalk! |
Big bro was also excited to see use the chalk again after staring longingly outside all winter... |
He is getting so big! He already seems so lanky to me! |
"Sdits" are his new favorite thing to find outside. |
Classic Brynne |
Seems as a good of a place as any to take a rest... |
"What, Mom??" "We're busy!" |
Together they form the shape of (my) heart.
Hope you had a healthier winter than we did, and cross your fingers there will be warm enough weather to warrant another blog post sometime soon!
Great pics! Can't wait for the easter egg hunt....they look ready this year! Love them miss them!