Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What the weekend looked like...

On Saturday, hubs and I had a nice daytime date to Troeg's Brewery in Hershey. We had been there before but this time was better because they have revamped their food service since then. The food was AHHH--wait for it--MAZING! We are always looking for authentic French bistro food whereever we can find it, which is very FEW places in Central PA. So, when we see the word "charcuterie" on a menu, we are always skeptical because it is rarely ever both 1. good and 2. authentic. Troeg's made it happen though, and we loved it! We are already trying to plan a return trip. Bistro food + craft beer = our idea of the perfect day.

We purchased some of the sample "Whit Beer" from the gift shop to enjoy on Sunday. It was a spicy (tasted very much like basil) unfilted ale, it was delicious! We paired it with (cedar plank) smoked, cumin & ancho chile spiced salmon and green beens, and cilantro-lemon brown rice for our Sunday dinner.

 Baby Sister lounged around...
and Big Brother watched his favorite PBS cartoon on tv (he wasn't allowed outside because of the grill).
It was a much-needed day of rest in our house. It gave us just enough energy to get up on Monday and start another week of craziness!

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