Thursday, June 6, 2013

Brynne, 0 to 3

Over the past 3 months, Baby Brynne has grown and grown (as babies do). She is absolutely ADORBS, she looks a little bit like Mommy but mostly like her Dad.

One Month Old! This looks like a smile but it was actually the start of a cry! :)

Two Months Old!

Mommy's little model!

Three Months Old!

Big Brother loves to kiss her.

The World's Cutest Baby!

We've successfully held down the fort since she was born, we suffered through two more head colds with ourselves and Brady and some two year molars that arrived EARLY, but we are all still up and running! My maternity leave was the most difficult 12 weeks of my life, truly. Those babies never let me catch my breath for a second during the day! I counted down the minutes until hubs got home every night. But, as I tend to do...I survived! Now that I am back at work I miss the heck out of them, but I'm somewhat relieved to have things (relatively) back to normal too.

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