Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Baby's 1st BFF

Since Brady and Brynne started at their current daycare in November, we have heard periodically about Brynne and a little girl named Addie. As the months passed and Brynne started walking and talking, we heard even more. We would see Addie staring longingly out the little half-door every day as we picked Brynne up, and we'd even watch Brynne wave and say "byebye" to her. Recently, Brynne's teachers started telling us that Brynne and Addie were loathe to be separated during the day, and that Brynne would cry if Addie left her room for some reason. Brynne even started talking about Addie after daycare sometimes! We began to realize that Addie was becoming one of Brynne's favorite people, her First Friend!

Today is the Tods' last day of "school" for the summer, and we know Brynne is going to miss Addie. Brynne's (awesome) teacher sent us these pics to make sure Brynne always remembers who her first buddy was...

15 month old partners in crime!

Brynne and Addie, crazy-haired BFFS!
So there we have it, Brynne's First Friend. Last week I asked Brady who his friend at school was, and he kept answering "Runnin'..." I wondered what he meant (whether he was telling me anything relevant or just babbling, as he does), and I later found out there is a little boy in his class named "Rowan." He was telling me who his friend was, after all!

Toddler pals, is there anything cuter?!

Signing off, here are some parting pictures of Brynne with her teachers,. They took such great care of Brynne, we never worried about her we dropped her off each day. Upon arriving to pick her up, we'd often find her nestled into one of their chests "snuggling." Miss Phyllis was always quick to tell us that Brynne was her "secret favorite", too. Brynne demands a lot of attention from a caregiver, and in spite of the other babies in the room, I have a feeling that she somehow still managed to get the majority of her teachers' focus every day! Sorry, other babies, you're not the first to lose out to Little Miss Attention Hog (just ask Brady)! What the Little Miss wants, the Little Miss (usually) gets...

Miss Erin, also known as the Best Daycare Teacher Ever. She is our dream nanny!

Miss Phyllis and Miss Courtney. Miss Phyllis was Brynne's infant teacher. She was amazing with Brynne!

School's out, I guess that means it's officially summer now!

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