Wednesday, October 2, 2013

#TBT - Semester Abroad - Fall 2004

This week's Throwback Thursday is to a defining time in my life--my semester abroad in Florence, Italy in the fall of 2004. To that point, I had never been out of North America, so it was a huge deal for me. I chose a study abroad program with the American Institute for Foreign Study, Florence, Italy campus. We spent the first 3 days in London, followed by a stop at a beach resort in Lido di Camaiore (off the coast near Pisa) for the first 3 weeks to learn Italian (I had already taken Italian in college so it was advanced). Then we travelled to Florence. Our "campus" was inside a medieval Florentine castle, and the apartment I lived in was in the center of the historic district of Florence, just steps away from the Ponte Vecchio, which I crossed every day several times to get to classes. It was nothing short of AMAZING. I took classes in advanced Italian, Renaissance literature and art, and modern Italian art. There was only internet access at the school, Facebook had not yet been invented, and I had to "rent" a very old-school cell phone to use while I was there (it did not get text messages!). While many others traveled with friends, I knew nobody else when I enrolled. I ended up learning fluent Italian, making lifelong friends, and coming home much more aware of the world. I visited endless museums, medieval buildings and churches, and cities all over Italy (as well as Paris and London). I ate amazing food but lost a lot of weight on that trip (due to an emotional upheaval involving an ex-boyfriend, don't ask) and returned to the USA a different person in only 4 short months! Someday, perhaps I will tell you what the personal changes that occurred on this trip turned into. Some of you reading this already know, of course!

Here a few pictures for your viewing pleasure. I can't believe it was almost 10 years ago!! So much has changed since then, I barely recognize the "Brooke" in these photos.


Cheesy, but necessary in Pisa. Wish that dude wasn't in the background, but what can you do? Late August.

Me with my roommates in front of the Ponte Vecchio on our first day in Florence. They were amazing girls who became very good friends! I loved each of them.

The breathtaking "citta di Firenze." Early September.

Il Vaticano in late September (?). Pope John Paull II was still presiding. How old do you (I) feel now?

My first trip to Paris with my roommate Erika in October. A typical Parisian fall--it was wet, windy and cold. However, the city of Paris was still love at first sight for me!

Spanish Steps, second trip to Rome. Early November (?).

Il Colosseo with a 14 year old Garrett Lewis, third trip to Rome in late November. My family came to visit for a week!

Visiting Pompeii with my family. November.

Throwing a coin into La Fontana di Trevi in Roma. This was in December during my dad's visit right before I went home. I did indeed return to Rome as the legend said! Incidentally, the baggy jeans from this pic were the snug ones from the Pisa picture.

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