Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I Am So Tired

I'm still tired. Still so very, very tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally...so tired. The kind of tired where your eyes constantly burn and you feel nauseous 24/7. The kind of tired where your body laughs at you for drinking coffee thinking that will cure the exhaustion. The kind of tired where you get out of the shower and can't remember if you washed your hair while you were in there!

It seems nobody sleeps in our house these days--not me or Jason, not the dogs, and certainly, definitely not the kids. This blog has suffered much because of it. The nights have morphed from a relatively peaceful time to an 8 hour marathon of cat-napping in between walking back and forth in a child's room (carrying said child) for 30 minutes every other hour. I've said it before and I'll say it again--if they truly wanted to inspire change in prisoners, they would sentence them to the kind of tortuous nights we've endured for nearly a month straight now!

I have taken a few pictures in the past week, albeit with my phone. They are of my Lovely Little Lady being silly. Although she keeps me up all night every night, I love her so! She's 31 weeks now (7 months) and just starting to crawl and stand up by herself. She is a busy little bee just like her brother was (maybe even busier!) and she's at the height of seperation-anxiety-from-Mommy-phase (poor Daddy can't even touch her nowadays without much fuss). She wears me out, but I wouldn't trade her for all the sleep in the world. She is the baby girl I've desperately wanted since the moment I realized the stork was never going to bring me a baby sister...

Trying to stand up in the storage bin. Standing up by herself is her new favorite thing!

Go Penn State! Yes, she's wearing boys clothes, but that's all we had to rep PSU. Someday we'll get her a Nittany Lion cheerleader outfit.
 This is how we watched the game. She would have it no other way! Mommy's back hurts.

Her first picture with Uncle Dan at Charlie's 22nd birthday party. Looks like he minded more than she did!

Hanging out with Mommy on a sick day home from daycare. This is how I get stuff done nowadays since Miss B always wants to be held, and held by only Mommy.

In case you didn't believe me when I said I was tired, check out that last photo. Not exactly the face of someone wakeful and refreshed, eh? The circles around my eyes are so dark I nearly look like I've been beaten up rather than sleep-deprived!

Sweet dreams to all of you out there who have the luxury of dictating your own zzzz's every night. Remember to never, ever take sleep for granted!

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