Monday, July 22, 2013

Baby's First Swim

This weekend went swimmingly (see what I did there? Ha). We took Miss Brynne swimming in the pool at Gigi's for the very first time. Not surprisingly, she loved it! She laughed and giggled until she got too hungry to continue. Grandma F. was there too helping out with Big Brother. He spent the night with her so Jason and I were feeling somewhat rested Saturday morning and it felt like a good day to go to the pool. Photo dump, coming up!

Pre-swim giggles with Grandma F.

In go the feet!
A little uncertain...

Hey, this is pretty fun Dad!

She loves it!

Lookout, Big Bro is on the loose!

Loving the pool, just like their Mommy and Daddy.

Look at those smiles! I see early morning swim meets in our future!

Learning to swim with Daddy...

...and Mommy.


Introducing the newest member of the Wheeler Aquatic Club!

Photobombed by Daddy!

The "BOOOOOAT" was pretty fun, too.
Like her Mother before her, she gets MAD when she's hungry!

Swim over, belly full and sittin with Dad.

It was a fun day. I can't wait to do it again soon!

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